A Brief Survey of Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a holistic, modern medical science that originated thousands of years ago. It is based on the understanding that vigorous health is possible when you eat, live, and treat your body in ways that are in harmony with your unique constitutional needs. According to Ayurveda, the source of disease originates with poor eating habits, poor digestion, and unrelieved stresses in life. The role of an Ayurvedic practitioner is to show you the unhealthy patterns in your mind and body, and teach you ways to regain health through the use of foods, herbs, and daily practices.

The beauty of Ayurveda is that it addresses our unique constitution by addressing the balance between three biological humors or doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). Doshic types are a fundamental part of Ayurveda based on the unchanging, universal principles of the natural world. Each dosha is responsible for the following actions:

  • Vata - responsible for the processes of circulation, digestion, and excretion.

  • Pitta- regulates cellular metabolism, intelligence, and digestion.

  • Kapha - responsible for strong immunity, vigor, and longevity. 

According to Ayurveda, all disease begins in the gut. Agni (metabolic activity or gut health) imbalance is the root cause of all disease. Problems with Agni predispose to creation of Ama (biological toxins or undigested foods).  In order to build strong immunity (Ojas), one needs to build Agni and decrease toxicity in the body.

There are many factors in our current culture that predispose to impaired gut health and impaired immunity including:

-Poor diet and lifestyle including inadequate sleep, excess use of electronics, lack of daily routine, etc.

-Excess sugar, alcohol, substances

-Environmental toxins

What are some of the strategies for bringing doshas into balance and optimizing immune function?

1. Healthy diet with herbs and spices

2. Sunlight and exposure to nature

3. Stress reduction techniques

4. Exercise/yoga/pranayama (breathing)

5. Internal and external lubrication with oil 

6. Sauna

7. Sleep/rest

8. Postive attitude

9. Gratitude

When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use. When diet is right, medicine is of no use. - Ayurvedic proverb