
GINGER DIGESTIVE TEA (click here to download recipe)
For stimulation of digestion, respiratory tract, and elimination of toxins
¼ tsp cumin seeds
¼ tsp coriander seeds
¼ tsp fennel seeds
¼ tsp turmeric
1/4 tsp cinnamon (in winter)
¼ tsp licorice root
1.5-2 tsp fresh grated ginger (not dry, too heating)
1 quart of filtered water

Boil water and add spices (You can grind the whole spices all together and put in a jar as they’re good for a few months, and use a little over 1.5 tsp). Turn off heat and cover, and let stand for 5 minutes. Strain and drink Small sips of warm water during a meal will aid digestion and improve absorption, help with sugar control. Fresh ginger tea has at least 12 potent antioxidants, which gives the body special resistance to free radicals and byproducts of metabolism that increase damage to cells.. Put in a large thermos and sip throughout the day in winter, all winter. Avoid iced or cold water as it reduces agni (digestive fire)


For homemade, organic ghee with unsalted, cultured butter from grass fed cows,

KITCHARI RECIPE from the Ayurvedic Institute (click here to download recipe)

Kitchari means mixture, usually of two grains. This is one kitchari recipe that is particularly nourishing and easy to digest. Please note the options below for some alternatives and, after the recipe, read more about this ancient dish.

  • Vegetables such as zucchini, asparagus, sweet potato, Swiss chard


1/2 cup basmati rice 
1 cup mung dal (split yellow) 
6 cups (approx.) water 
1/2 to 1 inch ginger root, chopped or grated 
A bit of mineral salt (1/4 tsp. or so) 
2 tsp. ghee 
1/2 tsp. coriander powder 
1/2 tsp. cumin powder 
1/2 tsp. whole cumin seeds 
1/2 tsp. mustard seeds 
1/2 tsp. turmeric powder 
1 pinch asafoetida (hing) 
Handful of fresh cilantro leaves 
1 and 1/2 cups assorted vegetables (optional)


Carefully pick over rice and dal to remove any stones. Wash each separately in at least 2 changes of water. Add the 6 cups of water to the rice and dal and cook covered until it becomes soft, about 20 minutes. 

While that is cooking, prepare any vegetables that suit your constitution. Cut them into smallish pieces. Add the vegetables to the cooked rice and dal mixture and cook 10 minutes longer.

In a separate saucepan, sauté the seeds in the ghee until they pop. Then add the other spices. Stir together to release the flavors. Stir the sautéed spices into the cooked dal, rice, and vegetable mixture. Add the mineral salt and chopped fresh cilantro and serve.

Ojas (Immunity) Tonic Recipe (you can make this with oatmeal if you’d like in the morning)
(click here to download recipe)

Eating these foods and herbs in combination with a more balanced lifestyle will support immunity, sleep, vitality, complexion, mood stability and longevity.

The following can be taken before bed to boost vitality, immunity, and support sleep. This may be the yummiest, most nourishing drink you will ever have.

I realize milk is a controversial issue, but most healthy grocery stores sell non-homogenized, vat-pasteurized, chemical-, antibiotic-, and hormone-free milk. Don’t drink milk? You may substitute with non-dairy milk, such as coconut, almond or hemp but whole milk is BEST.

Add small amounts of these to one cup of milk as you slowly bring it to a boil:

Chopped dates (1 tbsp)
Chopped almonds (2 tsp)
Coconut meat or flakes (1 tbsp)
Saffron (1/2 tsp)
Ghee (1 tsp)
Cardamom (1/8 tsp)
Nutmeg 1/8 tsp
Turmeric 1/8 tsp

Optional: Once the milk, herbs, foods and spices are cooked and off the flame, add 1 tsp of raw honey, or maple syrup.

Drink one cup each day for 3 months to rebuild ojas levels to support sleep, immunity, and overall well-being.